Why spend countless weeks or months every time you need to implement a new SAML connection?

SSO Easy's EasyConnect SAML solutions eliminates the time, cost, complexity and risk of SAML implementations.

Tag: SAML 2.0 Cost

SAML 2.0 and SAML 1.1 Product Benefit – Reduced Labor Costs

SAML – The cost is in the labor. 

An Enterprise SAML Product that supports SAML 2.0 and SAML 1.1 use case projects provides significant benefit by significantly reducing that labor cost.

The main cost of a SAML SSO solution is the labor involved in deploying and then supporting and maintaining the SAML solution. 

By using an Enterprise Class SAML Product, companies can dramatically reduce the major cost of a SAML project – the labor cost.

Tags: SAML 1.1, SAML 1.1 Cost, SAML 1.1 Product, SAML 2.0, SAML 2.0 Cost, SAML 2.0 Product, SAML Consulting, SAML Cost, SAML Product

ROI – Open Source SAML Toolkit vs Enterprise SAML Solution

Is your time worth more than $2.00 per hour? 

If so, when you have a SAML Single Sign On (SSO) project, the ROI analysis is clear:

You should buy an Enterprise SAML product vs trying to build your own custom SAML solution using on an Open Source SAML Toolkit.

Clients tell us that they frequently spend anywhere from 2-12 weeks, or 80-480 man hours, to deploy their initial SAML implementation.

SSO Easy’s Single Sign On SAML solutions start as low as $1,000.  For this price, the result is often a complete SAML 2.0 or SAML 1.1 solution, fully implemented.

For the most efficient customer experiences, where 80 man hours are required to build a custom SAML solution, if their cost of labor is greater than $12.50 per hour, they would be better off buying SSO Easy’s SAML product.

For the less efficient customer experiences, where 480 man hours are required to build a custom SAML solution, if their cost of labor is only slightly greater than $2.00 per hour, they would be better off buying SSO Easy’s SAML product.

Longer term, the gap widens when ongoing support and maintenance is considered.  With the Build approach, internal labor cost increases as the custom SAML solution needs to be supported, tweaked, upgraded and changed by internal staff.  With SSO Easy’s product solution, support is provided by the vendor, and product updates and updates are provided for free to clients under the standard support contract.

Tags: Free SAML, Free SAML 1.1, Free SAML 2.0, SAML 1.1, SAML 1.1 Cost, SAML 1.1 ROI, SAML 2.0 Cost, SAML 2.0 ROI, SAML Cost, SAML ROI

Can You Afford Free Open Source SAML 2.0 & 1.1 Tools?

When looking to implement a SAML solution, the following things need to be considered as part of the decision making process:

  • Type of use case enabled
  • Complexity of the implementation
  • Number of SAML connections
  • Time required to implement a connection
  • SAML expertise required
  • Programming resources required
  • SourceTarget application modifications
  • Maintenance effort
  • Maintenance responsibility

With many different options available in the marketplace, invariably it comes to building a solution (using open source libraries or toolkits) versus buying a turnkey product from a vendor.  If consider the above list, when you are evaluating “Build vs. Buy” ROI analysis, here is what you will most likely come up with:

  Turnkey Product SAML Toolkit/Build Approach
Type of use case enabled Advanced Simple
Complexity of the implementation Low High
Number of SAML connections Multiple One
Time required to implement a connection Low High
SAML expertise required Low/None High
Programming resources required 10% High
SourceTarget application modifications Minimal/Low Touch Significant
Maintenance effort Low/None High
Maintenance responsibility Vendor You
Tags: Open Source SAML, Open Source SAML 1.1, Open Source SAML 2.0, SAML 1.1 Cost, SAML 2.0 Cost, SAML 2.0 ROI, SAML Cost, SAML ROI

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