SSO Easy's EasyConnect SAML solutions eliminates the time, cost, complexity and risk of SAML implementations.
In a representative SSO Easy client case study, a customer successfully implemented the EasyConnect product solution. Using EasyConnect, the client was able to achieve its objective of restricting remote access to Google Apps users based on […]
Read More...Google Apps customers are able to manage security policy for remote user access to GMail, Google Docs, and all Google Apps features, using the EasyConnect product. This capability is enabled in EasyConnect by allowing Google Apps […]
Read More...SSO Easy provides a solution with its EasyConnect product which supports Google Apps customers who require restricting remote access to Google Apps based on IP Address. This key EasyConnect product feature allows Google Apps to effectively […]
Read More...SSO Easy provides a solution which allows Google Apps customers to enable restricted access to GApps based on an IP address, or on the basis of a range of IP addresses. This key security policy feature […]
Read More...Using the EasyConnect product from SSO Easy, Google Apps customers are able to restrict access to Google Apps by IP Address, or by ranges of IP Addresses. This key EasyConnect function provides clients with the ability […]