Why spend countless weeks or months every time you need to implement a new SAML connection?

SSO Easy's EasyConnect SAML solutions eliminates the time, cost, complexity and risk of SAML implementations.


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Customer Success is a core to what we do at SSO Easy and we pride ourselves on providing an outstanding customer experience. This starts with the way we’ve designed our product, and it extends to the way we partner with our customers during and after deployment.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What applications can you connect to?

    We can connect to any SAML enabled application, either Identity Providers (IdP) or Service Providers (SP).  In addition, we can connect to non-SAML enabled web based platform with our easy to use APIs.

    A representative sample of the applications that are pre-integrated with SSO Easy can be found here.

  • What browsers do you support?
    We support the following Web Browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Chrome.
  • What identity standards does SSO Easy use?
    SSO Easy implements widely used federated identity standards, principally OASIS's Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML), to provide a federated single sign-on and attribute exchange framework.

    In addition, SSO Easy also supports OAuth relying party functionality and WS-Federation.
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