Why spend countless weeks or months every time you need to implement a new SAML connection?

SSO Easy's EasyConnect SAML solutions eliminates the time, cost, complexity and risk of SAML implementations.

Tag: Fast SAML 1.1

Case Study – Fast SAML 2.0 Project – 15,000 user Single Sign On SSO

In a representative SSO Easy client case study, 15,000 users benefited from a very fast SAML 2.0 Single Sign On SSO solution.

Using EasyConnect, the SAML 2.0 and SAML 1.1 software product solution from SSO Easy, the client successfully implemented their first SAML based SSO implementation.

The implementation was completed in less than a week, and was delivered well within the planned budget for the project.

No coding was required to implement the solution.

Tags: Easy SAML, Easy SAML 1.1, Easy SAML 2.0, Fast SAML, Fast SAML 1.1, Fast SAML 2.0, SAML, SAML 1.1, SAML 2.0, SAML Single Sign On

Case Study – Client implements SAML 2.0 SSO in 1 day!

Another SSO Easy client went live recently, in just 1 day!  In this representative case study, the client had a critical initial SAML connection for enabling SAML 2.0 based Single Sign On connection with a key business partner.  The client faced a very tight project timeline. 

The client completed an initial discussion with SSO Easy in the morning, completed a Proof of Concept that afternoon, and successfully went into production with the solution the following morning.

“…SSO Easy’s SAML 2.0 Single Sign On Product implements lightning fast!  We were able to implement EasyConnect for our client connection in just 1 day!  Our client was shocked and thrilled!…”


Tags: EasyConnect, Fast SAML, Fast SAML 1.1, Fast SAML 2.0, SAML, SAML 1.1 Product, SAML 2.0 Product, SAML Case Study, SAML Product

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