SSO Easy's EasyConnect SAML solutions eliminates the time, cost, complexity and risk of SAML implementations.
Cost management has never been so critical as it is today for all organizations. The ability to manage expenses effectively requires a best-in-class Expense Management solution.
In order for the potential benefits of these systems to be realized, the Expense Management system must be secure, easy to use, and easily accessible by users. Given the most leading Expense Management product solutions that exist on the market today are offered as OnDemand service offerings (or, Software as a Service / SaaS), easy and secure access to these solutions represents a big challenge.
Web-based Single Sign On (SSO) product solutions provides the answer for this challenge. SAML 2.0 and SAML 1.1 support must be provided as easy and effective enablers of this type of capability in order for the promise of Expense Management solutions to become a reality for those who implement them.