Why spend countless weeks or months every time you need to implement a new SAML connection?

SSO Easy's EasyConnect SAML solutions eliminates the time, cost, complexity and risk of SAML implementations.

Case Study - Education - Fast SAML 2.0 Single Sign On - SSO

In a representative case study, an Education client of SSO Easy needed to implement a SAML 2.0 Single Sign On software product solution, for web-based SSO connection with one of their key service provider partners.

The client had had no prior experience with the SAML protocol, and had no expertise in that area.

A Proof of Concept of the EasyConnect SAML product was completed in less than an hour, and the complete implementation was successfully done very fast -- in about two and a half days.

No coding was required to enable the solution.  All required function was provided out-of-the-box with the EasyConnect SAML 2.0 product.

Tags: Fast SAML, Fast SAML 2.0, Fast SAML 2.0 Case Study, Fast SAML Case Study, SAML, SAML 2.0, SAML 2.0 Case Study, SAML Case Study
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